Monday, September 26, 2016

Maui Racketeering: the Jones Crime Family

Dennis, Mona and Darren Jones, through their company MDDR Health Solutions, Inc., own and operate the Alive and Well store in Kahului and online. This store has a health food façade, but it is an ongoing criminal enterprise that is allowed to operate by special arrangement with corrupt government officials.

I have provided the details of the Jones family’s criminal activities elsewhere (links below). The allegations could be easily proved in a court of law, but the corrupt county government prefers to go after the whistleblower, me.

Here’s a thought experiment: if we lived in an ideal world and we truly lived by the rule of law, how many years in prison would the members of the Jones Crime Family be sentenced to?

Regarding the number of counts of some of their crimes, we can make only rough estimates. For example, if, using radio, the internet and personal meetings, they fraudulently promote and sell certain products and services a thousand times each, every year for ten years, is that ten thousand counts for each product promoted? Or is it just one count for each product, no matter how many times it is fraudulently promoted? I give a range of possible counts in these cases. Regarding the other criminal counts we can be more precise.

Fraudulent Promotion & Sale of Products   50-5,000 counts   
Fraudulent Promotion and Sale of Services    50-5,000   
Reckless Endangerment            50-5,000
Negligent Homicide                            100-500
Food Stamp Fraud                             100-1,000
Terroristic Threatening of a Critic    10
Violence against a Critic                      5
Conspiracy/complicity in Violence against a Critic   5
Abuse of Legal Process                         5
Lying to the Police (false reporting)               5
Perjury and Obstruction of Justice       25

Assuming an average sentence of one year per count, and taking the smallest number where a range is given, a reasonable estimate of likely prison time for each of the Joneses – Dennis, Mona and Darren – in an ideal and just world is 405 years.

This analysis is for state charges only. The Jones’ use of the internet across state lines and their food stamp fraud (accepting SNAP or EBT payments for non-food snake oils) could bring federal charges and double the estimate to 800 years.

For details, see below for other posts in this blog.

and see  KurtButlerBlogs